As Jedsy is preparing to commence delivering medical supplies in the northern district of Malawi in Mzimba, the company undertook a comprehensive pre-assessment exercise in a number of health centers. Primarily, the process aims at checking where the necessary equipment such as the mailbox (landing station) can be installed, capturing coordinates for the location, examining the accessibility of the area in terms of transport, assessing the availability of medical supplies among others.
One of the health facilities that caught the attention of most and needs immediate attention is Bulala which serves a population of approximately 40, 000 people with about 500 patients visiting the facility per day. This is a cause for concern because the facility is not suitable to carter for such a staggering figure of patients on several fronts; it does not have enough infrastructure, only have 20 people as staff and mostly, it does not have enough drugs. One of the chief causal factors of the latter is poor roads which makes it hard for ambulances to go to the area as such, the hospital receives a single consignment of drugs per month and at times nothing at all. Consequently, patients are advised to fetch medication from pharmacies that are also very few in the area and it is expensive to procure.
This is where Jedsy will come in to help remedy the problem by delivering medical supplies faster and efficiently. By road (distance of approximately 42 km), it takes about 2 hours and 30 minutes from Mzimba District Hospital (which will be the center of operations for Jedsy) to reach Bulala Health Centre. However, considering drones fly in a straight path or have their own flight paths and do not use roads, the distance will be significantly reduced to 29km and it will only take about 20 minutes to complete a single delivery. In essence, Jedsy will contribute to fast delivery of medical supplies, improved accessibility in terms of logistics and better patient outcomes.